I have read a series of excellent books since the start of August so I thought I would share them with you...
White Fever
Recommended by a friend who had read it, this book is an interesting look into the strange world of Siberia. Whilst it wasn't as humourous as I hoped (it actually left me feeling quite blue in general due to the plight of the native siberians) but the book is packed full of weird and wonderful characters.
The Gods Themselves
I really enjoyed this book. Having noticed I have missed some of Asimovs books I needed to fill in the gaps. This has realyl interesting points to think about in terms of how we kid ourselves about energy because we don't want to change the way we live. The ultimate message for me was you can't just convince people there is a problem. You need to come up with a solution at the same time.
I enjoyed the moon seperation side story. They remind me of early spacers from Asimovs robot series. They don't particularly like earthlings and see them as dirty...
The End Of Eternity
Another Asmiov book. I can't believe I had not read this before. Essentially it's a time travel based boggle. It raises loads of interesting ideas and literally had me hooked so I could not even walk to the train station without reading it. It only lasted 4 days. How can people watch television when there are books like this to read! Amazing!
I have changed direction slightly with my next set of books to read. At night I am reading 2001 A Space Odyssey by Arther C Clarke (I'll let you know what I think when I have finished it). In the day (whilst commuting etc.. ) I am reading Rashomon and Seventeen Other Stories by Akutagawa. I have actually read this before but I can no longer remember it and something got me thinking about Akutagawa again. One thing I have done this time whilst reading it is read the foreward by the translator. They have shed some light on other Japanese authors that I probably need to take a look at also.