I am doing a little catch up on Unit Testing today with some of the North 51 gang. Our particular flavour of unit testing generally which goes a little something like this: The session today is mainly a hands on session but I wanted to just keep a list of recommended links to look at afterwards and I thought it might be nice to share them with others too. The list isn't well researched and is pretty much a dump of the main things I use on a regular basis. Please comment to add more if you like! Jasmine Javascript Testing Framework http://jasmine.github.io/ QUnit https://qunitjs.com/ Trullocks PubSub libarary https://github.com/trullock/PubSub (brilliant for decoupling Javascript concerns and also makes for some nice testable code) NUnit (of course) Moq https://github.com/Moq/moq4 my todo mocking framework if I need one Machine.Specifications https://github.com/machine/machine.specifications (A framework that has quite a nice syntax although I haven't used in
Random things I like, normally about technology.