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Showing posts from July, 2012


I have only just realised you can display your days food diary on the website. I am looking forward to more developments, like the ability to get stats on tge site and maybe some cool visualisations of your food over time. Take a look at my MyFoodCircle diary for Tuesday 31 July 2012 by clicking this link: You can download the MyFoodCircle app yourself from here:

The Internet map

via Pretty cool visualisation of the internet! I was particularly surprised how big stack overflow was!

Olympic ban on wireless access points BT to the rescue

via Wireless access points seem to be banned at all Olympic venues. Boo! But don't worry, BT is to the rescue, for just the lollington price of ?5.99 for 90mins you can get that laptop back on the web! I don't understand this ban, it doesn't ban mobiles, so you can access the web via 3g directly from a phone.... It doesn't ban laptops, so if you have a 3g sim in your laptop, you can use that.... you just can't put them both together... why????????

Cool Site for Fonts

Had this site recommended for utilising fonts on your site. If you want to use your own specific font in CSS3 (you can probably do this before 3 too) you just decalre a font in the CSS @font-face { font-family: DomsNewFont; src: url('myfont.woff'); }

Dauphin DTR1

I saw this Dauphin tablet computer in the Engadget Distro magazine. I'd love to get my hands on one of these. Really enjoying reading the magazine. Its nice to not be tempted to read the idiotic Engadget comments.

Star Trek FIRST LOOK: IDW's Wednesday Trek Titles

via Star Trek and Dr Who together! haha. Insane. Of course.... I am going to buy this!

Greco-Roman Wrestling / Freestyle

I was looking for somewhere in Notts that did?Greco-Roman Wrestling / Freestyle wrestling and found the place below from the? British Wrestling Association .? At some point in the future I would definitely like to go down and give this a go!? Nottingham Sikh Temple Wrestling Club Training Venue: ?YMCA Aspley Centre, Melbourne Rd, Melbourne Park, NOTTINGHAM, NG8 5HL Classes: ?Mixed 8+ Wednesday 1900-2030hrs Sunday 1330-1530hrs Contact: ?Kundan Boyal Email: ? Telephone: ?07773 330041 They train on a Sunday which is ideal... anyway! I don't have time at the moment but I think later this year I will definitely be tempted.? ?

Microsoft Office 2013 preview

via With the news that Office 2013 will be bundled with Windows RT and the look and feel of this new version of seems possible we might be onto a winner. The big thing for me is a decent version of Excel. I need it. Google Apps spreadsheets and the other jokertron spreadsheet apps just don't do it for me. Not long now till I get to try it all out on the Windows 8 tablet.

RISCOScode : About RISC OS and RISCOScode

via Heard about this on the main Raspberry Pi twitter account. Seems like a cool idea. I used to absoloutely love RiscOs in school.

Telemedicine market to reach $2.5B by 2018 | Healthcare IT News

LONDON ? The thriving telemedicine market hasn't shown signs of abating any time soon, according to a new report by Companies & Markets. The report shows that in 2011, the global telemedicine monitoring market reached a value of $736 million and, according to officials, is poised to increase to $2.5 billion by 2018. This significant growth in the global market can be attributed to numerous factors as telemedicine monitoring provides ways to improve clinical care delivery to patients while also reducing the need for hospitalizations and visits to the emergency room. [See also: Telemedicine burgeoning in BRIC countries .] Telemedicine is the use of telecommunication and information technologies in order to provide clinical healthcare at a distance. It helps to eliminate barriers and improve access to medical services that would often not be readily available in rural communities. The technology can also be utilized in critical care and emergency environments

Baby robot learns first words from human teacher


Arnie with a giant gun

Saw this picture of Arnie on Facebook and had to post it here. It's an excellent picture! hahaha

Using Parallel.ForEach in .NET

Just watching a Pluralsight video about VB.NET and the CLR and I came across the System.Threading.Tasks namespaces Parallel static class.  It seems a nice tidy way of multi threading when iterating over things. I think I have been missing a trick! :-) Essentially you just pass the collection as the first parameter and a delegate as the next. See the example or just Google it.  You can also whip the .AsParallel(); extension method on the end of your Linq queries for similar parallel joy.  It's possible I knew about this before but the rediscovery is very pleasing indeed.     

Sci-Fi Book Recommendation - Alfred Bester, The Stars My Destination

It has easily been the best book I have read this year. That's really a good enough recommendation though as I have read some fairly poor / true pulp this year. I brought this book to Cyprus with me and I found I could not put it down Cool technology and a wicked story left me dying for more at the end. I would say that any fan of Sci-Fi should definitely have this on their wish list. My next book I am reading (another from the SF Masterworks collection) is The Shrinking Man by Richard Matheson. I am a couple of chapters in and am gripped so far. A couple of good books are really what I need to get my passion back.?

North 51 Xcelerator as a personal development tool I have been using our product called Xcelerator at work for personal development for a couple of months now and I have found the process excellent. Essentially the process is: You rate yourself in a number of areas (such as technical skills, customer focus, commercial?? acumen ?for example) and provide some back up text on why you think you are at that level.? Your manager(s) read your ratings and the justification and then complete their own part of it.? You meet and discuss / compare You set goals on how you can improve you current level You start the process again. Each area has x amount of levels and each level has a detailed explanation of what you are required to do to achieve this level. Obviously these details are set per company but I feel ours are very clear and make it easier to try and attain.? Once you have completed the process once you and your managers can then add evidence that ca

Upgrading to Windows 8 Will Only Cost You 26 Quid | Gizmodo UK

via This is an excellent deal. I did a similar thing when Windows 7 came out too!

Calculating Columns in Word

Most people use Excel, some don't for their own reasons. Either way, the time will come when you need to do some calcs in Word.? Fear not, it's not particularly hard.? Whilst having the cursor on the cell in your table that you want the calculated number to go in, click Layout from Table Tools . In the Layout ribbon, click the Formula icon. This will bring up a small formula window. The formula you enter will be entered into your selected cell. Depending where your cell is, it may have done a calculation for you. If not, you can enter it. A common function is SUM(). You need to use your imagination a little and imagine the table is a spreadsheet. Columns are letters, rows are numbers. See the picture for an example. Hope that helps.?

Adafruit's Pi Cobbler breakout kit puts Raspberry Pi's pins to work -- Engadget

via Check out the source on Engadget. This looks good. Especially for about ?6!

Bling Cylon

via Love this Bling Cylon. I can't recall Gold ones in the series (although I'm sure there were but I haven't seen it for a long long time). This dude looks like a Cylon pimp.

The Pragmatic Bookshelf | PragPub May 2012 | What Makes an Awesome Command-line Application?

via I thought this was a great article. It hit a chord with me as I have had to tackle some foolish command line apps recently where the devs have just dreamt up new commands and ways of working for themselves instead of just using the normal heuristics. Very annoying. Something that I have just found and annoys me is setting up command line programs for schedules tasks. If you don't do this right, you end up with a complete mess! Like a list of emailers for different programs and clients: - Emailer_01 - Emailer - Emailer_New - emailer_March2012 This is just annoying. I know you can still tell what the programs are if you look into them or work it out from the other columns but it's still a pain. - The arguments the scheduled tasks take should be documented. - The scheduled task itself should log to the event log. - The error messages logged to the event log should be sensible (for example - give a list of the possible params if an incorrect one was given