Nipped up into my Dads attic yesterday and had my camera so I took some photos of a couple of my old gadgets.? At some point I need to go and sort the attic out properly. Once we have bought a house I will get them all down. I especially miss my Sega Saturn for some reason.? On these pictures there are... MacSE30, Systems Pong game, Jaguar 64, SNES, Atari Portfolio, Ericsson Windows Mobile PDA, Compaq Contura, Apple Powerbook 140, ZX Spectrum and various laptops, Nokia Communicator 9000, Psion Sienna and Mark II, Game Gear, Various Desktops including Mac with CD drive and tray loader.Toshiba T1800. I have many more but time was limited!
Random things I like, normally about technology.