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Showing posts from March, 2012


Apologies for the endless baby posts but I feel a strong need to post baby pictures.

Crazy Picard

Mad Picard

Touchscreens to cut future cockpit complexity - E & T Magazine

via This is exciting. I love the idea of augmented reality to assist with using machines. It would be interesting if the control unit for the plane was removable for use off the plane as well. For example, if the unit was some sort of tablet, it could contain flight details and statistics about the flights it had been used on. That would be good for reviewing flights and for training purposes. I would love to see some of this technology make it down to cars. Assisted driving would be excellent!

Me, Lea and Erin

Just a couple of pictures taken recently of me, Lea and big baby Erin. She is following in the good old Finn tradition of being an enormous baby! Hoorah!

Chrome Extension: Save yourself from YouTube comments

In the same manner as Trullock changed Twitter back to the original?formatting? I am always drawn to look at the YouTube comments, yet nothing good ever, ever, ever comes from them. They are essentially the slime of the internet. I must protect myself from them.? I have made the add in, just download it, unzip it and do as Trullocks instructions... Goto Chrome -> Tools -> Extensions. Tick ?Developer Mode?, then click ?Load unpacked extension? Navigate to your unzipped folder and select it.? That should spell the end of the temptation of reading YouTube comments! Hoorah!

Telerik Blog: 5 Visual Studio 11 Designer Improvements for ASP.NET 4.5 Dev

via The improved JavaScript Intellisense looks promising. I just really hope it lives up to it. I can't imagine it will sadly but my fingers are firmly crossed. I will perhaps give it a whirl in the beta version on Windows 8 this evening.

Kinect Cad, this is an awesome idea.

Kinect Cad [youtube] Spotted this on the Coding 4 Fun site. Such a wicked idea. Obviously if you have done any CAD work in a design office, you will realise that this would be an appallingly slow way to work but a brilliant concept nevertheless. It just opens up ideas for the future of manipulating virtual parts and putting them together in with other members of an engineering team in a group situation. Can you imagine wearing special gloves to get feedback on the feel of parts and how they interact with each other! 

Zenni Optical

My new sets of glasses arrived this morning ordered from? . I have never ordered glasses online before but the price of glasses on the high street is just a little too high for me at the moment and essentially I only needed a spare pair. They have a massive selection of ludicrously cheap spectacles so I thought I would indulge myself, getting 3 pairs (buy 2 get 1 free) for the princely sum of ?20. That included shading and anti glare on one pair. Ridiculous. All 3 were essentially joke glasses buy I wanted to see what the quality and fit would be like.? The quality of excellent. No different to my FCUK or Osiris glasses that I bought last time from Specsavers. All I needed was my prescription and my PD distance (they don't include this on your prescription) which I got from using this app? ? Anyway, I bought a pair of slick "Potters", some miners welfare glasses and a pair of yel

Archos now pre-loading Android 4.0 on its G9 tablets

via A good price for an Ice Cream Sandwich tablet!

Save project, run tests and open window to commit macro

I seem to always forgot to save my project when doing a commit to Mercurial so all my commits like like this... hg commit -Am "Given a user is logged in, when they edit they're profile, then the profile is updated" hg commit -Am "Project Saved" I seem to be incapable of remembering to do this (although now I will probably always remember) so I made a little Macro to bring up the commit window instead of my current Visual Studio command.  It's as simple to make Macros in Visual Studio as it is in any Office program. Just record the Macro (Tools, Macros) and then go in and tweak it if you need it (alt+F11, same as Office).  Mine is the following:      Sub SaveAllRunTestsOpenCommandPrompt()         DTE.ExecuteCommand("File.SaveAll")         DTE.ExecuteCommand("ReSharper.ReSharper_UnitTest_RunSolution")         DTE.ExecuteCommand("Tools.ExternalCommand1")     End Sub The only non obvious thing here is the final command. This is an

Microsoft expands Internet Explorer push with new TV ad -- Engadget

via If only Microsoft pushed Windows Phone 7 with such vigour! I like the Ad. Almost makes me want to use IE. Almost...

Tricks for Windows 8 in Virtual Box

It's a bit of a ball ache getting Windows 8 to run nicely in VirtualBox. Here is a couple of small tips to help you though...   Install Virtual Machine Additions This can be done, but you will need to mount Virtual Machine Additions as a disk, then explore and right click on the exe and set to run in Windows 7 compatability mode.  Getting the resolution right The resolution is never right if your using a laptop. You can use VboxManager to inject the correct resolution in the virtual machine though. You essentially go to your Virtual Box installation on your parent computer and run the following command....  C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBox>VBoxManage setextradata “Windows 8 Preview” CustomVideoMode1 1366x768x32 The "Windows 8 Preview" will be whatever you have called your Windows 8 virtual machine. Thanks to this site for this tip...   Changing the Vi