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Arduino Sunday MkII

I went to the Arduino day at Nottingham Hackspace on Sunday again. Generally it was more of the same although I probably got a little more out of it this time as there was less time spent being confused. It was a chance to give the netbook (Dell Netbook) a good run for its' money and it did pretty well. I am beginning to more and more annoyed with the ubuntu netbook remix however. Its' inability to use the built in 3g model is annoying, there a several weird bugs in it and it occasionally freaked out whilst just trying open a menu. On the plus side, the size of the laptop is such a boon it makes it all worth while. I wouldn't relish having to lug my other laptop (Dell Inspiron 6000) about.?

The day was good. I didn't see many new projects from the last time but some brilliant progress has been made on the hackspace itself, with some interesting chairs from a cinema, some good desk spaces and some other additions. One of the founders Dominic (indeed another Dom!), was looking for new members. I must say I am always tempted. The rule is that you pay however much you think you should pay but just don't take this piss. It's hard to know how much I would actually go down to the place though as my time is so so limited anyway. It's something I will continue to think about. Once my course is over for this semester I may consider it. I might even consider it just as a place to go and study in peace and quiet.?

Anyway, the pics from Sunday are worth checking out.....


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