First, we want say thanks to all users where download and test Anonymous-OS and all you people for your thousands positive feedback. We tried to answer all your questions and we hope to do it. For your protection, we deleted all emails and not available anywhere. Also we apologize from the creators of? themes and wallpapers that was included on Anonymous-OS, because we don’t thank them earlier and of course without they knowing that we choose their creations. So, we thanks them.
We disappointed for all these we continue to read on various websites that the Anonymous-OS is fake and full of viruses, trojan, etc. Until now we think that nothing reported yet. That say something. All these sites misinform the world, and continue to do this without having checked the Anonymous-OS.
Anyway, from time to publish this project was attacked by several well known sites in the technology field and we believe the reason is to fight one more time Linux and opensource software. Before we starting Anonymous-OS we said that if we feel that our efforts cause a bad thing for Linux and opensource software, then we will stop this effort. For now, is not available link to download Anonymous-OS.
Please don’t try to download it from any host site or torrent without trusting the user to upload the Anonymous-OS. If you not sure, is better to use another Linux distro. There are many distros where you can use all of these tools including Anonymous-OS.Maybe we come back in the future and continue Anonymous-OS or something like that.
Sorry, we forgot say for one more time that of course there is not trojans, malware,etc on Anonymous-OS.??????????????????????????????
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.Expect Us!
:-( quite a sad note. I think Backtrack Linux is an excellent alternative tool anyway.